About NaturePlus®

NaturePlus® incorporates three key design elements

NaturePlus® values and helps incentivise measurable outcomes for nature across native fauna and vegetation, soil, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems.

It incorporates three key design elements:

  1. Credits represent real outcomes: many payments for biodiversity are based on actions carried out with a view to restoring biodiversity in the future. NaturePlus® Credits are only awarded to projects that have already delivered third-party audited and certified uplift in environmental condition.
  2. Incentives for long-term continuous improvement: with a unique continuous crediting approach NaturePlus® is designed to improve environmental condition and maintain improvements long-term by creating a mechanism that rewards and protects gains. Adaptive management informed by measurement of environmental condition enables land managers to respond to changing ecosystem needs.
  3. A total ecosystem solution: NaturePlus® is designed to work with methods that span native vegetation, fauna, soil, fresh water and marine environments.